Pleiades Sakurashinmachi

Yume Sakurashinmachi is incredibly close to the station. Just 30 seconds away, you wouldn't even need an umbrella if it rained. Home to Sazae-san, Sakurashinmachi has a Tsutaya, Tully's...

東急田園都市線 池尻大橋駅 徒歩7分
Male, Female (Male Female / 12 Rooms (bed))

Only three minute walk from Sakura Shinmachi station, which is 4 stations from Shibuya by the Tokyu Denen-Toshi Line. The area offers the best accessibility and comfort in living along th...

東急田園都市線 桜新町駅 徒歩3分
Female, None (Only Female / 10 Rooms (bed))

Elegant town where there is Tamagawa Takashimaya shopping center. Aqua futagotamagawa is newly open to Futakotamagawa Station which ie easy access to Denentoshi and Oimachi Line. In th...

Tokyu-denentoshi line Futagotamagawa station 6 min walk
Tokyu- Oimachi line Futagotamagawa station 6 min walk
Female (Only Female / 16 Rooms (bed))

Many Smile Co.,Ltd

Many Smile Co.,Ltd
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Bookmarked by 110 people
Tokyo is an international city influencing business, fashion, culture, and art around the world.
Within this refined metropolis, share houses with accommodations rivaling even the best
apartments are sprouting up one after the other in hot spots such as Shibuya, Harajuku,
Aoyama, and Roppongi. Here at Many Smile Co., we support women aiming to take their
careers to the next level in the Tokyo area. If you’re just returning from study abroad or perhaps
coming to Tokyo from the country side, we’d love to consult with you. Even if unemployed,
those with a strong will to find work may move in without a guarantor. Try one of our share
houses and enjoy Shibuya, Setagaya, or Meguro to the fullest.
Owner Listings
Prendre IkejiriOhashi
東急田園都市線 池尻大橋駅 徒歩7分
Single 43,000JPY〜
Pleiades Sakurashinmachi
東急田園都市線 桜新町駅 徒歩3分
Single 43,000JPY〜
Aqua Futagotamagawa
Tokyu-denentoshi line Futagotamagawa ...
Pleiades Sakurashinmachi
東急田園都市線 桜新町駅 徒歩3分
Single 43,000JPY〜

*Tokyosharehouse (LLC) does not carry out the administration of specific services that may be deemed as unfair toward other users or serve as an intermediary for moving into housing. For any questions regarding specific services or moving, please directly contact the owner or manager of the share house you wish to inquire about through our website. Also, please be aware that we cannot provide the contact information of the share house managers or owners.